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How to Make Money Being a Dispensary Affiliate

How to Make Money Being a Dispensary Affiliate

You love weed. You love the dispensary where you get your weed. As more dispensaries are popping up throughout Canada, many are choosing to love their customers back by setting up affiliate programs. Customers can make money (weed money, perhaps?) by sharing the love and promoting...

What Are Terpenes

What Are Terpenes?

The legislation of marijuana in Canada has made it easier than ever for any Canuck to become a cannabis connoisseur. Wineries aren’t the only place where you can take a sniff and brag to all of your friends about what you can smell. But what creates those...

Grind Weed Without a Grinder

8 Ways to Grind Weed Without a Grinder

Picture this: You just got your order from Speed Greens (of course) and you’re super excited to try out all of the dank buds in your box. The smells hit you before you even see the flower. Your mouth starts to water; you’re ready to pack a bowl, catch up...

How to Smoke Weed

How to Smoke Weed: A Guide for Newbies

So you want to smoke weed, but you’ve got a few questions. We understand. We’ve all been there. Nothing is more intimidating than going up to a group of smokers and not knowing what you’re doing. You don’t want to be that guy who accidentally blows all...

How to Clean Weed Pipe

How to Clean Your Weed Pipe

Look, we’re not here to be your mother. But if you haven’t cleaned your weed pipe in a’s time to get on that. There are a lot of substances that go in and out of weed pipes, bubblers, and bongs. Obviously, there’s weed, before and after it’s been...

How to Detox from Weed

9 Ways to Detox From Weed

So you need a break from weed. Maybe you have a family vacation coming up and you know you won’t be able to inhale around the ‘rents. Maybe you have a drug test for a job and you really need to pass. Or maybe you’ve just had enough for now. “Detoxing”...

How to Smoke Weed Without a Pipe

7 Ways to Smoke Weed Without a Pipe

As regular weed smokers, we tend to forget things here and there. Forgetting to bring your pipe along to a party or a picnic? Tragic. But don’t let a lack of glass ruin the potential for a good night. There are a few ways that you can still enjoy weed...

Top Five AAAA Strains

Top 5 AAAA Strains in Canada

Sometimes, you just want the best of the best. You want to know that you’re buying grass-fed, organic beef, or that your clothes were made to be high-quality. You worked hard for your money and you want to make sure that you are exchanging it for a worthy product. If...

8 Ways to Use Cannabis

8 Ways to Consume Cannabis

The legalization of cannabis has opened up many doors for Canadians who want to experiment with marijuana and other cannabis products. If you are new to the world of cannabis, welcome! Maybe you are searching for pain relief, a sleep aid, or just want to give...