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THC gummies

THC Gummies, Its Uses, And Where To Buy

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the chemical found in cannabis plants that is responsible for its psychological effects. This means that it is responsible for the mind-altering effects, or the “high” of cannabis. It can be used as THC gummies and other cannabis edible products. THC affects the...

buy weed online Quebec

Buy Weed Online Quebec: How and Where?

It’s no secret that Quebecers celebrate their weed. Whether you’re a recreational weed smoker or a medicinal weed consumer, buying weed online in Quebec is becoming a lot easier by the second that you literally just need to click away on your screen. By 2022, Statista estimates 76.36% of Canada’s population...

Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome

Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome: Is It Real?

Still dazed and confused about what may happen to your body after withdrawal? Read on to know the truth about the mystery of Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome. Cannabis is one of the oldest plants cultivated by humans. Over the decades, it has been used for multiple purposes such as food, fiber, fuel,...

health benefits of cannabis concentrates

Understanding the health benefits of cannabis concentrates

Cannabis concentrates are currently some of the most sought after marijuana products in the market. Various market surveys show that this is one of the fastest growing sectors of the cannabis industry all over the world. Oils, shatter, budder, wax, sugar, rosin – the pot dispensaries nowadays offer quite an...

CBD in Canada

CBD in Canada – how popular is it?

With the rollout of cannabis 2.0 in October 2019, selling various derivatives of CBD in Canada is absolutely legal. Earlier, even after the country had legalized recreational marijuana smoking in 2018, only registered medical patients could buy cannabis oil and other CBD edibles from a few licensed dispensaries upon showing...

eating cannabis edibles safely

Marijuana munchies – which foods to avoid when smoking or eating cannabis

Why does smoking or eating marijuana give you munchies? These extreme cravings for salty, sweet or fatty carbohydrate foods are very common to the experience of getting high on cannabis. As dietician Janice Newell Bissex points out, the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is responsible for it. Besides giving you the euphoric,...

Why You Should Smoke Weed

Why You Should Smoke Weed: Benefits and Ways

If you have friends who are telling you the reasons why you should smoke weed, perhaps, you should give it a thought. Weed is more than just a recreational drug. It is jam-packed with therapeutic properties that can provide fantastic health benefits as well as make you feel generally happy...

What happens if you smoke too much weed

What Happens If You Smoke Too Much Weed?

You may ask: what happens if you smoke too much weed? We should be mindful that, depending on a person's physiology, Cannabis can hit in varying ways, and the experience of getting high can differ from person to person. Today we'll explore recommended weed dosage, avoid...

ways to Smoke Weed

Ways To Smoke Cannabis: Techniques And Secrets You Should Try

There are so many ways to smoke weed for weed lovers out there. If you belong to this group, here are some ways for you to enjoy your stash. The cannabis plant is grouped into three types; Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis, each with their...