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Rules for Using and Buying Marijuana

What are the Rules for Using and Buying Marijuana?

Canada is preparing for “legalization 2.0” at the end of the year. Dispensaries will look different - they may be stocked up with edibles, vape pens, and other “derivatives” that cannabis lovers can consume. Right now, Canadians can only access marijuana in flower form (if they...

CBD Tincture Guide

CBD Tincture Guide

CBD is everywhere. It’s in your coffee. It’s sitting on the shelf at your spa. You can get it in a bath bomb, sparkling water, or a lotion.  But if you don’t want the fancy gimmicks or frills, you can buy “pure” and simple CBD tinctures in...

Foods For Dogs

32 “People” Foods For Dogs

We know it’s hard to resist. You’re at the dinner table and you hear the whimpers and see the big (literally) puppy-dog eyes staring up at you. But is it safe for your dog to have a piece of your chicken pot pie?  We’re here to settle the score. Not all...


Is CBD Oil Healthy and Safe to Use to Treat Illnesses?

CBD is everywhere! Even before cannabis became legal throughout Canada, it was making headlines as the next fad and the next big investment.  The cannabinoid has primarily been making the rounds in the worlds of health and wellness. But does it actually work to treat chronic conditions?...

Eight Natural Remedies for Reducing Anxiety and Stress

Stress management isn’t always easy. Between expectations at work, drama at work, and opening the news for just a second, stress seems to pop around the corner at all hours of the day. How do you deal with it? How do you reduce stress and give yourself the power to...


CBD vs. THC: What’s the Difference?

When you’re shopping for strains online, you may see a few stats. The strain is a sativa, indica, or a hybrid. You might see a list of “terpenes” that give the strain its specific flavour or aroma. Most importantly, you may see the CBD and...

cannabis shatter

Four Ways to Ingest Shatter

So you know you want to try shatter. It’s one of the most potent concentrates on the market. You can ingest up to 90% THC with just one hit! But now your question do you take a hit of shatter?  Shatter doesn’t exactly look like the green herb that you...


What Is “Twaxing?”

There are a lot of ways to consume marijuana. You can order flower or you can order edibles, shatter, budder, you name it. Usually, these individual forms of marijuana or THC are consumed on their own - maybe they’re wrapped up in a joint or added...

CBD Oil for Anxiety

What You Need to Know About CBD Oil for Anxiety

People with anxiety get a lot of recommendations for how to regulate their feelings and behavior. Medication. More sleep. Exercise. Meditation. When you’ve run through the list of remedies and you are still suffering from anxiety, you might feel - well, anxious.  But in recent months, another supposed treatment has pushed...

cannabis cup

A Guide to The Cannabis Cup

How do you know whether a strain is trending or a top pick? Some strains just have that reputation. But new cannabis strains are bred every day. Grease Monkey, for example, is a relatively new strain on the market that has made big strides for both growers...