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Caryophyllene for cannabis strains

Caryophyllene and Cannabis Strains – a Guide

Caryophyllene and Cannabis strains

As recent researches suggest, the terpene profile of a cannabis strain, plays a major role in determining the overall effect of the cannabinoids present in that strain. Known as the ‘entourage effect’, it is the synergy between the terpenes, cannabinoids and other secondary phytochemicals and metabolites that...

Cannabis and Novel Coronavirus

What Should you Know about Cannabis and Novel Coronavirus (2019-Ncov)

Cannabis and Novel Coronavirus (2019-Ncov)

It’s 2020 and now, humankind is experiencing a new era in history, cannabis and novel coronavirus. Lately, the World Health Organization classified Novel Coronavirus (2019-Ncov) as an epidemic disease.

What is this Novel Coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a family of pathogens that can cause symptoms like of MERS-COV and...

What you should know about Marijuana Bong? – Benefits, History and more!

There is a mass number of options when buying a marijuana bong in the market that sometimes it can overwhelm a person looking for one. This article will help you narrow down your options before going out in the market.

Marijuana Bong defined

The term “

THC strain into a CBD strain

How to turn a THC Strain into a CBD strain

What is CBD and why is it so popular right now

In recent years, the popularity of CBD or cannabidiol has simply skyrocketed. As health experts suggest, Google searches for CBD-related queries have nearly eclipsed those for traditional health products and other alternative medicines. Besides using cannabidiol-high marijuana...

Cannabis for Asthma: Research-Backed Analysis 2022 Update

Cannabis for Asthma: Does it help or harm?

If you have asthma, a family member, or know a friend who is asthmatic, this article can help you give a different view on another option on how to help manage asthma.

What is asthma?

Asthma is a chronic...

Cannabis Oil for Lyme disease

Cannabis Oil for Lyme disease

Since the discovery of marijuana's medical benefit a long time ago, it has been known that cannabis oil for Lyme disease treatment actually works. Marijuana's main component, cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that has been used to relieve nausea, as well as...

Pricing Guide: Canada Marijuana Delivery 2020

Canada Marijuana Delivery 2020

Today, cannabis in Canada is now fully legalized, for medical and recreational. Canada marijuana delivery today is so convenient that you don't have to gas up your car and drive around to go to the store. However, marijuana in Canada is still undersupplied....

Distillate vs. Liquid Shatter vs. Live Resin: A brief comparison

There are differences between shatter vs distillate, we discuss it along with another popular type of extraction called live resin.

Cannabis extracts

Marijuana is gaining its popularity over the years in medical and recreational user groups. The cannabis extracts are used for vaping both by casual and medical users. Cannabis concentrates can...

The Pros and Cons of Buying Marijuana in Bulk

Buy Marijuana Bulk Online

In the recent turbulent times, many of us are tight on budget when it comes to buying our monthly stash of weed from the nearest cannabis dispensary. If you are on this page, chances are high that you are an experienced stoner...

Cannabis Market 2020: Analysis, Share, Trends

Last year, Canada legalized the recreational use for cannabis, but it doesn’t mean that It’s all positive use. Because of slow regulatory and licensing provincial retails and cannabis-related businesses, it has its drawbacks. Many cannabis experts are still hopeful for a positive pace in the cannabis...