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Health & Wellness

Medical Cannabis

Medical Cannabis: 5 Medical Conditions It Can Help Treat

Medical cannabis uses cannabis or marijuana, a product that is also used for recreation, only that medical cannabis is used to treat diseases and other conditions. The main chemicals present in cannabis and have medicinal purposes are THC and CBD. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, which also provides the "high" effect people...

marijuana and covid19

How marijuana businesses reacted to COVID 19?

Covid19 or the novel coronavirus pandemic is changing the world as we knew it. The worst affected countries have been forced to go on extensive nation-wide lockdowns to curb the rate of infection. Our normal routines and usual habits are disrupted, long-distance travels are halted. Industries, businesses and service sectors...

eating vs smoking cannabis

Eating vs Smoking Cannabis: Duration and Effects

Every cannabis user thinks about eating vs smoking cannabis. Consuming cannabis by eating or smoking makes our body react to marijuana in different ways. Cannabis is famous for its uses in the medical field. Aside from its medicinal uses, marijuana may be used for recreational purposes. Cannabis has two significant compounds,...

Calm Your Nerves with a Powerful CBD Tincture

Calm Your Nerves with a Powerful CBD Tincture

Yoga. Meditation. Those rubber balls you get with your work logo on them. You’ve tried everything to lower your stress levels at work, but nothing seems to stick. Now you’re seeing all these blog posts and celebrities raving over CBD. But is it worth the try?  Before you purchase a dropper...

CBD Oil for Depression

CBD Oil: A Cure for Depression?

CBD oil has been labeled as a “one-size fits all” remedy. It relieves pain, can reduce acne on the face, and help to regulate appetite. Studies show it can even have a positive effect on a patient’s mental health, alleviating the symptoms of conditions like PTSD or anxiety.  Not all mood...

Does CBD Oil Really Help Treat Arthritis Pain

Does CBD Oil Really Help Treat Arthritis Pain?

Arthritis is more than just pain. It’s feeling stiff. It’s the loss of your former range of motion. It’s the inability to carry items or move around as you please. For many people with arthritis, symptoms can severely lower quality of life.  There are many ways to approach arthritis treatment: medication,...

Best Indica Strains for Stress

10 Most Popular Indica Strains for Stress

With marijuana now legal for adults to buy and smoke across Canada, there are many strains to choose from. While those who want a burst of energy and motivation will prefer sativa strains, indica strains are perfect for users who want the deep relaxing and de-stressing effects of cannabis....

CBD Oil and Pregnancy

CBD Oil and Pregnancy – How Safe Is It?

CBD isn’t just the non-intoxicating part of cannabis anymore. It’s holding its own as the star trend in the health and wellness world. Spas, skincare brands, and beverage companies are all integrating CBD into their products and services. The cannabinoid has also found its way into...

Foods For Dogs

32 “People” Foods For Dogs

We know it’s hard to resist. You’re at the dinner table and you hear the whimpers and see the big (literally) puppy-dog eyes staring up at you. But is it safe for your dog to have a piece of your chicken pot pie?  We’re here to settle the score. Not all...


Is CBD Oil Healthy and Safe to Use to Treat Illnesses?

CBD is everywhere! Even before cannabis became legal throughout Canada, it was making headlines as the next fad and the next big investment.  The cannabinoid has primarily been making the rounds in the worlds of health and wellness. But does it actually work to treat chronic conditions?...