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How to Smoke Weed Without a Pipe

7 Ways to Smoke Weed Without a Pipe

As regular weed smokers, we tend to forget things here and there. Forgetting to bring your pipe along to a party or a picnic? Tragic. But don’t let a lack of glass ruin the potential for a good night. There are a few ways that you can still enjoy weed...

8 Ways to Use Cannabis

8 Ways to Consume Cannabis

The legalization of cannabis has opened up many doors for Canadians who want to experiment with marijuana and other cannabis products. If you are new to the world of cannabis, welcome! Maybe you are searching for pain relief, a sleep aid, or just want to give...

Juul and Marijuana Oil

Juul Pods and Marijuana Oil

You’ve seen the memes. You’ve seen the YouTube videos, the tweets, and the jokes. In the world of e-cigs, nothing has taken off like the Juul. Have you Juuled yet? (Yeah, it’s definitely its own verb now.) It’s no surprise if you have. Juul has taken over...

Nine Best Stealth Vape Pens

9 Best Stealth Vape Pens

Vape pens come in all shapes and sizes. Some vapers want to proudly blow clouds and display their mod to the world. Others prefer a more discrete option that blends in with the cigarette smokers on the block. If you don’t want a clunky vape pen to fall out of your purse...