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CBD Oil for Pain Management: Effects and Uses

Chronic pain can be a huge obstacle in living a healthy, active life. Getting out of bed and walking around the block can be excruciating, and “overdoing it” can only result in more intense symptoms.   Treatment methods for pain, while effective for many, can have downsides for others. Intoxicating medications or...

What is the Difference between Weed and Hash

What is the Difference between Weed and Hash?

There are a lot of slang terms for marijuana. Weed. Pot. Green. Dope. The list goes on and on. One of these slang terms is hash - or so you may think. Hash is actually a different product than the green nuggets of cannabis flower that you...

Weed Measurements

Weed Measurements: How Much is a Pound, Ounce, QP, Eight & Half

If you’re new to smoking marijuana, you might have a lot of questions. You might be asking yourself about individual strains and whether Northern Lights is better than Ghost Train Haze. You might be wondering whether the orange hairs on your weed are a good or...

Cannabis Classifications

Know Your Type: Cannabis Classifications

Cannabis is making a comeback. In 2018, Canada legalized the use of recreational marijuana, a type of cannabis that was considered unlawful for consumption for many years. More Canadians can enjoy cannabis without fearing getting arrested or facing serious consequences.  But when you go into a dispensary...

How To Make Marijuana Oil

What Do CBD-Infused Drinks and Pastries Actually Do?

Here Are the Facts.

The therapeutic effects of cannabidiol (CBD) for an array of conditions have won over plenty of supporters, especially those focused on wellness and natural healing. From restaurants touting their infused dishes to breweries with cannabidiol-infused beer on tap, the next big swing for CBD is an...

Speed Greens Guide to Marijuana

Speed Greens Guide to Marijuana


Anything associated with marijuana was a taboo in the past few years. Currently, most people can openly talk about why they use or like it without the fear of being judged wrongly. Various countries have different laws regulating the use, sale, and purchase of marijuana. Where marijuana is illegal, people...


Speed Greens New Arrivals

The world of cannabis consumption is always changing and evolving, but since Canada has legalized our favourite plant, the industry has been put into overdrive. New products are coming out every day to meet the demands of users who want to experiment with cannabis at home...

Rolling the Perfect Joint

Rolling the Perfect Joint

So picture this. You just opened your package from Speed Greens and have some high-quality, tasty bud just waiting to be smoked. You’ve been looking forward to a nice joint all day, and the time has finally arrived to kick back and relax. There’s only one problem. You...

Juul and Marijuana Oil

Juul Pods and Marijuana Oil

You’ve seen the memes. You’ve seen the YouTube videos, the tweets, and the jokes. In the world of e-cigs, nothing has taken off like the Juul. Have you Juuled yet? (Yeah, it’s definitely its own verb now.) It’s no surprise if you have. Juul has taken over...

Marijuana Edibles

Side Effects of Marijuana Edibles

Even if you’re used to smoking and vaping weed, marijuana edibles can be a whole different story. Edibles give a much more potent high that can last for many hours- sometimes up to 12! They also take longer to kick in, so controlling the dosage and...