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Marijuana Laws

Three Glass jars full of Alberta Cannabis at a store. Speed Greens

Alberta Cannabis: The Ins and Outs to Sales and Possession

As marijuana becomes more legal, more people are enticed to try it out not only for medical purposes but also for recreational purposes. Thinking of joining the bandwagon? Here’s our Alberta Cannabis 101 with everything you need to know about Alberta Marijuana. Note: We’ve used Alberta Cannabis and Alberta Marijuana interchangeably...

how to get medical marijuana in canada

Everything You Need to Know About Getting Medical Marijuana in Canada (But Were Afraid to Ask)

Medical marijuana has been legal in Canada for over 10 years now, and its therapeutic benefits become clearer and clearer by the day - and supported by more and more scientific evidence. While the evidence for the benefits of medical marijuana is clear, the same is not true as to how...

cannabis delivery

Cannabis Delivery Services in Canada: Is It Legal?

Are cannabis delivery services legal in Canada? In this article, we will discuss the current cannabis situation in Canada and how to find a legitimate cannabis delivery service. The legality of cannabis in every country depends on where it is used. Canada is the only place legalizing marijuana, which is used...

Rules for Using and Buying Marijuana

What are the Rules for Using and Buying Marijuana?

Canada is preparing for “legalization 2.0” at the end of the year. Dispensaries will look different - they may be stocked up with edibles, vape pens, and other “derivatives” that cannabis lovers can consume. Right now, Canadians can only access marijuana in flower form (if they...

Canada CBD Laws

Canada CBD Laws

Cannabis enthusiasts across Canada celebrated the plant’s legalization on October 17. People could finally head to a dispensary and buy CBD and THC products without worry. Stock markets and journalists predicted that these products would become hot trends throughout Canada, and people began to look for jobs in the cannabis...

Growing Weed in Canada

The Ultimate Guide To Growing Weed In Canada

A new day has begun in Canada; as of October 17, Canadians can legally buy, grow, and use cannabis for medicinal and recreational use. This opens the doors to many exciting opportunities: cannabis fanatics can now run legal businesses sharing their expertise, Canadians with specific medical...

Canada Marijuana Legalization Laws

Canada Marijuana Legalization Laws

With Canada marijuana legalization now official, adults can now go out, purchase weed, and smoke it. However, there are still certain laws that apply. You need to be at least 19 years old to possess weed (18 in Alberta and Quebec) and mustn’t smoke around children...