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A Guide to THC Beverages

A Guide to THC Beverages

As cannabis becomes more accessible and acceptable throughout North America, corporations are starting to pay attention. Every investor is asking themselves, “What’s next in cannabis?” What trends are going to make the most money? What CBD- or THC-infused products are going to be flying off the...

Marijuana Tea

Marijuana Tea Benefits, Effects, Recipe & Dosages

This might not be news to you; CBD and marijuana beverages seem to have made their way onto the shelves overnight! From CBD seltzer to weed coffee, it’s easier than ever to take a slow sip of some dank weed.  But if you’ve got weed to harvest...

How to Make Cannabis Tea

How to Make Cannabis Tea

Nothing is more relaxing than a nice cup of tea in the evening - except maybe a big fat joint of nature’s sweet cannabis. If only there was a way that we could combine the two most calming things for a nice, nighttime routine… Guess what? You...