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Cannabis Oil for Lyme disease

Cannabis Oil for Lyme disease

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Cannabis Oil for Lyme disease

Since the discovery of marijuana’s medical benefit a long time ago, it has been known that cannabis oil for Lyme disease treatment actually works. Marijuana’s main component, cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that has been used to relieve nausea, as well as treat insomnia, anxiety, inflammation, and depression.

Today, it was discovered that treating cannabis oil for Lyme disease is possible.

Many experts in the medical field turn towards pharmaceutical medication when it comes to Lyme disease. Nevertheless, various studies show how cannabis oil for Lyme disease treatment as an alternative.

A study in 2008 shows that how can cannabis oil is effective against MRSA strain that is resistant to antibiotics.

The said study also shows that cannabis increase the vulnerability to infections is contradictory.

In particular, experts find strong antibacterial properties of cannabinoids such as CBD, CBC, and THC.

High-CBD cannabis strains are usually used as an alternative treatment for inflammation.

A particular sufferer of seizures which triggered because of Lyme disease reported that her seizures have ceased after smoking marijuana.

This is thanks to the anticonvulsant and anti-inflammatory effects of CBD

The Lyme disease

Lyme disease, the most prevalent disease in the U.S. caused by the bacteria “Borrelia burgdorferi” and sometimes the “Borrelia mayonii”.

It is transmitted to people by the bites of the black-legged ticks that are infected.

Headache, fever, and the erthema migrans rash.

If not treated, the contamination may spread to your heart, joints, and nervous system.

The finding of Lyme infection is exceptionally subject to its symptoms, physical assessments, and conceivable exposure to tick. Laboratory testing is only effective if it is done correctly and extensively with approved methods.

Numerous instances of Lyme disease have been relieved effectively inside a range of half a month with antibiotics.

The signs and symptoms of the said disease may vary. They typically appear in phases, but these phases reportedly overlap.

Early signs and symptoms of Lyme disease

First, you will notice a small red bump like a bump made by the bite of a mosquito. This is the area where the tick bites your skin. This normal occurrence usually doesn’t mean that you are afflicted with Lyme disease.

Nevertheless, if these signs and symptoms occur to you within a month, it is sure that you are affected by the disease.

These symptoms are:

• Erythema migrans
• Rash.
• Fatigue, fever, headache, necks stiffness, body aches and swelled lymph nodes

Later signs and symptoms of Lyme disease

Whenever left untreated, advancement in signs and symptoms of Lyme disease may happen to you the next weeks after the first month.

This signs and symptoms are:

• Erythema migrans.
• Joint pain.
• Neurological problems.

Rare signs and symptoms

Some people develop signs and symptoms a few weeks after they are affected, these are:

• Heart problems, such as an irregular heartbeat
• Eye inflammation
• Liver inflammation (hepatitis)
• Severe fatigue

Lyme disease co-infections

It is thought that the reason for Lyme disease is the infection of Borrelia burgdorferi, a bacteria carried by the ticks.

But advance research and studies show that ticks not only carry various strains of Borrelia burgdorferi, but they also carry various bacteria resulting in Lyme co-infections.

Usually, if a person is infected with Lyme disease, this means that person as well is also carrying various Lyme co-infections

The known Lyme co-infections are


Babesia infects red blood cells and is usually spread by deer ticks.
Kristin Reihmanthe the author of “Life after Lyme” and a family medicine doctor said that “In Babesia, you often see a Lyme case that’s quite resistant to treatment and much more severe than typical,” to Bustle.
Patients with this co-infection often reported that they experience heart palpitations, fevers, anxiety, chills, flu-like symptoms, and the feeling of not getting enough air to breathe.


Bartonella is known as the “scratch fever” spread by cats ticks and fleas which is “probably present in most of us” said by Dr. Reihman, “There are hundreds of different Bartonella-like organisms, and most of them are just part of our background microbiome without causing symptoms. When they do cause problems is when co-infections or other issues are undermining the immune system.” she added.
Some symptoms of this infection are rashes that look like cat scratches that come and go, swelling of joints, pain in the feet as well as rage and other psychological issues as said by Dr. Reihmanthe.


Ehrlichiosis is caused by the bacteria Ehrlichia chaffeenis, a tick-carried bacteria that eliminates white blood cells. Various strains of Ehrlichia chaffeenis have been recorded to infect humans as well.
Most of the patients are asymptomatic, yet, some experience flu-like symptoms like headaches, fevers, fatigues and muscle aches.
Patients can require hospitalization due to severe Ehrlichiosis if left untreated.


Anaplasma phagocytophilum, the Anaplasmosis causing bacteria. Signs and symptoms are similar to Ehrlichiosis, however, the bacteria causing these symptoms are different. Unique symptoms can be non-specific. But common symptoms include malaise, fever, headaches, chills, and muscle aches.

Cannabis Oil and Lyme disease

Numerous Lyme patients strive with the chronic pain the disease accompanies, and oftentimes, they have a hard time looking into the suitable treatment to relieve the unbearable symptoms.

Today, cannabis oil is trending in the community of Lyme patients.

Particularly with the study on rodents conducted in 2012 of the Journal of Experimental Medicine showed that cannabinoids have anti-inflammatory qualities as well as suppressing nerve pain without losing its efficacy.

For humans, this means CBD-rich cannabinoids in marijuana may be the answer for patients with Lyme disease that suffer from chronic pain who prefer conventional treatment. But unlike other alternative pain medication, patients will not build up a tolerance to cannabis

Cannabis Oil on Lyme disease and Lyme Co-infections

Cannabis oil which is a derivative of marijuana can be now considered as an alternative option for treating Lyme disease.

But as expected, cannabis is not the cure for this disease, but likely to be the way to improve the quality of life of the patients. Patients suffering from arthritis, headaches, and other chronic pain brought by Lyme disease said that cannabis oil relieve them from these symptoms as shown by several studies

Dispensaries in U.S., Europe, and Canada have claimed that medical cannabis also uses in Dermatology and Lyme disease have been included.

The scientific community recognize one of the well-known cannabinoids in the marijuana plant as the one responsible for neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic qualities of the cannabis plant without any psychoactive effects, the CBD or “cannabidiol”

Last Words

As per today’s research, the cannabidiol certainly has medical benefits; however, a lot of research and studies is still needed. You can take cannabis oil for Lyme disease and enjoy the health benefits that it offers.

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Comments (7)

  • geoff8822

    Thank you for all this info! Speed greens always coming through with the best articles.

    March 20, 2020 at 9:48 am
  • monoxide79 lyme disease should have been a thing of the past.

    March 3, 2020 at 3:46 pm
  • jammeer12manner

    Now this is interesting, THE POWER OF CANNABIS !! amazing

    February 28, 2020 at 8:05 am
  • oldone

    I live in the country and our dog brings in 5 to 10 ticks pretty much every day all summer. He then lye’s down in his favorite spot, that right he is glued to my back, head has to be on the pillow snoring within seconds and ticks running everywhere, oh joy. I’m going to try this oil and wonder if it will be safe for my dog ?.

    February 26, 2020 at 12:27 pm
  • RafikGhaly

    Was just reading on one of the other articles on cbd being an anti inflammatory, I’m sure there’s lots more we still don’t know about.

    February 26, 2020 at 10:43 am
  • TerpX

    I just moved to a rural area after living in toronto for 30 years. this was an important read!

    February 22, 2020 at 3:39 pm
  • heyhey

    Thanks for the detailed information about cbd. Its scary all the bacterias that ticks carry.

    February 20, 2020 at 5:52 pm

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