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Health & Wellness

Eight Natural Remedies for Reducing Anxiety and Stress

Stress management isn’t always easy. Between expectations at work, drama at work, and opening the news for just a second, stress seems to pop around the corner at all hours of the day. How do you deal with it? How do you reduce stress and give yourself the power to...

CBD Oil for Anxiety

What You Need to Know About CBD Oil for Anxiety

People with anxiety get a lot of recommendations for how to regulate their feelings and behavior. Medication. More sleep. Exercise. Meditation. When you’ve run through the list of remedies and you are still suffering from anxiety, you might feel - well, anxious.  But in recent months, another supposed treatment has pushed...

Benefits and Uses of CBD

Seven Benefits and Uses of CBD

What’s the biggest trend in wellness? It’s not keto or CoolSculpting - it’s CBD!  CBD is a cannabinoid derived from hemp or marijuna plants. It’s not psychoactive, so it won’t get you high. This makes CBD more approachable than other marijuana products, and additional research studies show...

best weeds for anxiety

7 Best Weed Strains for Anxiety

Many people have already turned to weed for anxiety and depression treatment. Marijuana can help people relax, chill out, and avoid racing, stressful thoughts. Unfortunately, for others, marijuana can exacerbate symptoms of anxiety: paranoia, racing thoughts, a fast heartbeat, etc. Why do some people feel more anxious after they smoke?...

Cannabis for Seniors

Consuming Cannabis for Seniors

Lines were out the door and online stores sold out of product the day that recreational marijuana became legal in Canada. Hundreds of people flocked to make their first purchases of legal cannabis products. But not all of these customers were the young, hippie types that...

CBD Oil for Pain Management

Using Cannabis Oil for Pain Management

There are many beautiful things about cannabis plants, but one thing that we especially love is how many ways it can be used. You may want to smoke marijuana or wear a hemp t-shirt; either way, you are enjoying the benefits of cannabis. But one particular...

CBD Products That Help With Stress e1542087920945

CBD Products That Help With Stress

There are many options for using medical cannabis. While some smoke strains of marijuana to get both the recreational and medical effects, others prefer to get the health benefits without getting high. That’s where CBD comes in. There are many CBD products that help with stress,...